Friday, June 29, 2007

It's Me

So I haven't blogged in a while. My life has settled down into a bit of routine now. I still have quite a bit of free time and I'm gradually figuring out how to fill it. Yesterday I got a Java textbook so hopefully I'll stay motivated to crack that open and take some time to learn Java this summer. On Monday I heard about a soup kitchen call the The Gospel Mission that is quite close to UD that needs volunteers, so I'm going to go over there tomorrow and help out and possibly set up more times that I can assist. I now have all of I John 1 memorized and about half of chapter 2, making a little progress every day.

Today is volleyball day. Every Friday a bunch of Arab students play volleyball all evening with whoever else shows up. Last week it was 10-15 Arabs, a French student, a Puerto Rican, a Chinese student, and half a dozen or so Americans. We divide into roughly four teams and rotate. Last week someone brought a rather ornate Hookah, which I now know is a method of smoking tobacco that is healthier than cigarettes and smells quite sweet (My asthma served as an easy way to avoid trying it myself). It's great fun, so I'm looking forward to it again this evening, assuming it doesn't rain.

My inspiration for blogging today was a random thought that I had. When someone I'm with calls someone on the phone and they start the conversation with "Hi, it's me" or just "It's me" and then go right into what they were calling about, I know that they know the person they are calling well. Often it's a spouse or girlfriend. Sometimes it's just someone they've been talking to a lot lately. Whoever it is, I know that those two have a strong relationship. When they talk, they have no need to identify themselves explicitly because those two words are enough for the hearer to know who is calling. God knows us so well that all we have to say is "Hi God, it's me" and he knows who's calling.

Rereading this, I'm afraid that what I was trying to communicate was lost in the words that I used, but I hope you understand at least partially my attempt to illustrate God's intimate knowledge of who we are and his eagerness to have a close enough relationship with us that all we have to say is

"Hey, it's me..."

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