Monday, June 11, 2007

The Existence of God

I was listening to Ravi Zacharias today, and he said something as an aside that I found fascinating. take the person who says "God does not exist." "Well, why do you say that?" They say "I know God does not exist."

If I say "I know that no black rock with white spots exists in the universe," I presuppose that I have infinite knowledge of the universe.

To claim that you know that God does not exist is also a claim of infinite knowledge of the universe, a truly God-like quality. So the statement in itself is self-contradictory.

I'm explaining this poorly, so you should really go to and listen to him yourself.

1 comment:

Tyler said...

VISIBLE "yeah, I love how people absolutely claim there are not absolute truths, or how people claim to know that there's no one being that knows everything...

and LOLCODE is quite amusing! hope you have a great summer!"