Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Joy and Happiness

Different things make different people happy. This weekend I was floating pretty happily because I aced a test and a prelab for my comm class, one of my most challenging this semester. I enjoy my academic work when I do well. Other people don't care much about school.

Some people were happy because the bears beat the packers or were sad because the packers lost to the bears; I didn't even know they were playing until the game had already started and couldn't care less about who wins (although I was disappointed to find that one of my roommates is a bears' fan).

Sometimes having free time to watch a tv show makes me happy, sometimes lifting weights makes me happy, sometimes it's a phone conversation, or hanging out with some friends, or meeting a new person.

But sometimes hanging out with friends ends up depressing me... kinda weird.

Sometimes blogging seems like a chore (like the last week when I didn't blog) and sometimes it feels great (like now).

I really have no idea what I'm saying, I guess I'm trying to get back to the point that its important to keep everything in perspective: With any luck I'll be dead in 60 years or so, and most of the things that seem so important now will hardly matter.

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