Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Something you probably haven't seen before and won't see again (for good reason)

The power button on my mp3 player stopped working a few days ago. Having learned my lesson about discarding items too quickly and not having the funds to purchase a new one, I decided to try fixing it.

I discovered that the joint where one contact on the button had been soldered to circuit board came loose. I tried soldering it back on, but I found that fitting a soldering iron with a 1 mm diameter tip and solder into a .4 mm wide space doesn't work particularly well.

I had discovered that by putting pressure on the button from the correct side pressed the contacts together and caused it to work. So I folded up a scrap of paper and wadded it inside the case so that when I reassemble the device, the proper pressure was applied to the button. Thus, my mp3 works now-I just hope it lasts till Christmas.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ha! Nice...I love it.